Welcome to my portfolio

Basic info:
I have chosen to make my portfolio on blogspot as I have not used Dreamweaver that much yet, I originally started out by making a site in Dreamweaver but realized that making a site alone is alot harder than doing it together with three other people (as we did in project 4). So to make sure I would have a presentable portfolio before the deadline I went back to using blogspot, I have however edited the html quite some in various ways, so this blog does not look like a normal "templated blog".

In the side panel you can read a bit about me, about the name "Daxt" (added on request) and last but not least watch my first ever made flash frame-by-frame video hosted on youtube (It is basically just there for fun, to spice things up a bit).

I wanted to add a "Next post" feature at the bottom of the page but if it is possible I did not figure out how to do it, so instead I manipulated the posting dates in order to get my posts listed in the right order. So in order to get to the next (newer) project you have to click "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page.